• 姜海强
  • 发布人: 发布日期:[2021-09-10] 点击次数:[4595]
  • 一、基本概况

    姜海强,博士,副教授、博导。主要研究方向包括矿山充填技术、低碳充填胶凝材料研发、低成本高性能注浆材料研发、固体废弃物处置与综合利用。主持国家重点研发计划项目子课题、国家自然科学基金青年基金、博士后面上项目等15项。在《Minerals Engineering》、《International Journal of Mineral Processing》、《Cement and Concrete Composites》、《Construction and Building Materials》、《Powder Technology》等知名期刊上发表SCI论文45篇,其中第一/通讯24篇,高被引论文4篇。获省部级科技进步一等奖1项、二等奖2项。申获国家发明专利10项,参编十四五规划教材2部。





    2013-09 至 2016-12,中国矿业大学,采矿工程,博士,导师:缪协兴教授、张吉雄教授

    2014-10 至 2016-01,University of Ottawa,导师:Prof. Mamadou Fall

    2011-09 至 2013-06,中国矿业大学,采矿工程,硕士,导师:张吉雄教授

    2009-09 至 2011-06,中国矿业大学,采矿工程,学士

    2007-09 至 2009-06,中国矿业大学,理工高水平班,学士























    1.H.Q. Jiang*, et al. (2023). Slag-based stabilization/solidification of hazardous arsenic-bearing tailings as cemented paste backfill: Strength and arsenic immobilization assessment, Case Studies in Construction Materials. (Under Review)

    2.X.Z. Gu, H.Q. Jiang*, et al. (2023). Improving early-age performance of alkali-activated slag paste backfill with calcium salts at low temperature. Construction and Building Materials. 411,134608.

    3.X.L. Wang, J.P. Guo, A.X. Wu, H.J. Wang, H.Q. Jiang et al. (2023). Wear characteristics of the pipeline transporting cemented paste backfill containing coarse aggregate, Construction and Building Materials. 410,134170.

    4.X.L. Wang, J.P. Wang, A.X. Wu, H.J. Wang, H.Q. Jiang (2023). Pressure drop of cemented high-concentration backfill in pipe flow: Loop test, model comparison and numerical simulation, Physics of Fluids, 35, 103107.

    5.G. Zhu, W. Zhu, Youyou Fu, Baoxu Yan, H.Q. Jiang * (2023). Effects of chloride salts on strength, hydration, and microstructure of cemented tailings backfill with one-part alkali-activated slag, Construction and Building Materials, 374: 130965.

    6.Z.B. Guo, J.P, Qiu, L. Pel, Y.L. Zhao, Q. Zhu, J. Wang Kwek, L. Zhang, H.Q. Jiang, et al. (2023). A contribution to understanding the rheological measurement, yielding mechanism and structural evolution of fresh cemented paste backfill, Cement and Concrete Composites, 142, 105221.

    7.H.Q. Jiang, J. Han, L. Ren, Z.B. Guo, E. Yilmaz* (2023). Study of early-age performance of alkali activated slag backfills subjected to internal sulfate attack. Construction and Building Materials. 371,130786.

    8.Gengjie Zhu, Wancheng Zhu, Chen Hou, H.Q. Jiang (2023). Use of saline water in cemented fine tailings backfill with one-part alkali-activated slag, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 35(3).

    9.Z.B. Guo, J.P. Qiu, H.Q. Jiang, et al. (2023). Experimental and modeling study on the transient flow and time-dependent yield stress of superfine-tailings cemented paste backfill, Construction and Building Materials, 367: 130363.

    10.X.B. Ji, X.Z. Gu, Z.R. Wang, S. Xu, H.Q. Jiang*, E. Yilmaz. (2023). Admixture Effects on the Rheological/Mechanical Behavior and Micro-Structure Evolution of Alkali-Activated Slag Backfills, Minerals, 13(1): 30. (ESI高被引)


    11.H.Q. Jiang, L. Ren, Q. Zhang*, J.R. Zheng, L. Cui* (2022). Strength and microstructural evolution of alkali-activated slag-based cemented paste backfill: Coupled effects of activator composition and temperature. Powder Technology, 401: 117322.

    12.H.Q. Jiang, L. Ren, X.Z. Gu, J.R. Zheng, L. Cui*(2022). Synergistic effect of activator nature and curing temperature on time-dependent rheological behavior of cemented paste backfill containing alkali-activated slag. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30: 12857–12871.

    13.X.H. Dai, X.Z. Gu, J.R. Zheng, L. Zhao, L. Zhou, H.Q. Jiang* (2022). Carbonate-activated binder modified by supplementary materials for mine backfill and the associated heavy metals immobilization effects. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials.

    14.X.H. Dai, L. Ren, X.Z. Gu, E. Yilmaz, K. Fang, H.Q. Jiang* (2022). Strength analysis and optimization of alkali activated slag backfills through response surface methodology. Frontiers in Materials, 9:844608.

    15.G.J. Zhu, W.C. Zhu, Z.J. Qi, C. Hou*, H.Q. Jiang* (2022). One-part alkali-activated slag binder for cemented fine tailings backfill: Proportion optimization and properties evaluation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.


    16.K. Fang, L. Ren, H.Q. Jiang* (2021). Development of Mode I and Mode II fracture toughness of cemented paste backfill: Experimental results of the effect of mix proportion, temperature and chemistry of the pore water. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 258: 108096.

    17.Z.B. Guo, X.G. Sun, X.W. Zhang, J.P. Qiu, H.Q. Jiang*, et al (2021). Effect of superplasticizer on rheology and thixotropy of superfine-tailings cemented paste backfill: experiment and modeling. Construction and Building Materials.

    18.Z.B. Guo, J.P. Qiu, H.Q. Jiang*, et al (2021). Flowability of ultrafine-tailings cemented paste backfill incorporating superplasticizer: Insight from water film thickness theory. Powder Technology.

    19.Z.B. Guo, J.P. Qiu, H.Q. Jiang, et al (2021). Improving the performance of superfine-tailings cemented paste backfill with a new blended binder. Powder Technology, 394, 149-160.

    20.X.L. Wang, H.J. Wang*, A.X. Wu, H.Q. Jiang, et al (2021). Evaluation of time-dependent rheological properties of cemented paste backfill incorporating superplasticizer, with special focus on thixotropy and static yield stress. Journal of Central South University.

    21.Q. Zhang, Z.J. Wang, J.X. Zhang, H.Q. Jiang, et al (2021). Integrated green mining technology of “coal mining-gangue washing-backfilling-strata control-system monitoring”—taking Tangshan Mine as a case study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 29: 5798-5811.


    22.J.P. Qiu, Z.B. Guo, L. Yang, H.Q. Jiang, et al (2020). Effect of tailings fineness on flow, strength, ultrasonic and microstructure characteristics of cemented paste backfill. Construction and Building Materials, 263, 120645. (ESI高被引)

    23.H.Q. Jiang, M. Fall, E. Yilmaz, et al (2020). Effect of mineral admixtures on flow properties of fresh cemented paste backfill: Assessment of time dependency and thixotropy. Powder Technology, 372, 258-266.

    24.Y.P. Kou, H.Q. Jiang*, L. Ren, et al (2020). Rheological Properties of Cemented Paste Backfill with Alkali-Activated Slag. Minerals, 10(3), 288. (Editor’s Choice Award)

    25.H.Q. Jiang, J. Han, Y.H. Li, et al (2020). Relationship between ultrasonic pulse velocity and uniaxial compressive strength for cemented paste backfill with alkali-activated slag. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 35:4,359-377.

    26.H.Q. Jiang, H.S. Yi, E. Yilmaz*, et al (2020). Ultrasonic evaluation of strength properties of cemented paste backfill: Effects of mineral admixture and curing temperature. Ultrasonics, 100, 1-11.(ESI高被引论文)

    27.J.P. Qiu, Z.B. Guo, L. Yang, H.Q. Jiang*, et al (2020). Effects of packing density and water film thickness on the fluidity behaviour of cemented paste backfill. Powder Technology, 359, 27-35.(ESI高被引论文)


    28.H.Q. Jiang, Z.J. Qi, E. Yilmaz*, et al (2019). Effectiveness of alkali-activated slag as alternative binder on workability and early age compressive strength of cemented paste backfills. Construction and Building Materials, 218:689-700.

    29.H.Q. Jiang, M. Fall*, Y.H. Li, et al (2019). An experimental study on compressive behaviour of cemented rockfill. Construction and Building Materials, 147, 837-846.

    30.J.M. Li, Y.L. Huang, Z.W. Chen, J.X. Zhang, H.Q. Jiang, et al (2019). Characterizations of macroscopic deformation and particle crushing of crushed gangue particle material under cyclic loading: In solid backfilling coal mining. Powder Technology, 343:159-169.


    31.L. Yang*, E. Yilmaz, J.W. Li, H. Liu, H.Q. Jiang (2018). Effect of superplasticizer type and dosage on fluidity and strength behavior of cemented tailings backfill with different solid contents. Construction and Building Materials, 187, 290-298.

    32.H.Q. Jiang, M. Fall* and L. Cui (2017). Freezing behaviour of cemented paste backfill material in column experiments. Construction and Building Materials, 147, 37-846.

    33.H.Q. Jiang and M. Fall* (2017). Yield stress and strength of saline cemented tailings in sub-zero environments: Portland cement paste backfill. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 160, 68-75.

    34.H.Q. Jiang and M. Fall* (2017) Yield stress and strength of saline cemented tailings materials in sub-zero environments: slag-paste backfill, Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 6:5, 314-331.

    35.L. Yang, J.P. Qiu, H.Q. Jiang, et al (2017). Use of cemented super-fine unclassified tailings backfill for control of subsidence. Minerals, 7(11), 216.

    36.H.Q. Jiang and M. Fall*, L. Cui (2016). Yield stress of cemented paste backfill in sub-zero environments: Experimental results. Minerals Engineering, 92, 141-150.

    37.J.X. Zhang, Q. Sun, N. Zhou, H.Q. Jiang (2016). Research and application of roadway backfill coal mining technology in western coal mining area. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9(10), 1-10.

    38.H.Q. Jiang*, X.X. Miao, J.X. Zhang, et al (2016). Gateside packwall design in solid backfill mining-A case study. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 26(2), 261-265.

    39.H.Q. Jiang*, Y.W. Cao, P. Huang, et al (2015). Characterisation of coal-mine waste in solid backfill mining in China. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology, 124(1), 56-63.

    40.J.X. Zhang, H.Q. Jiang*, et al (2014). Prediction of the Height of the Water-Conducting Zone above the Mined Panel in Solid Backfill Mining. Mine Water and the Environment, 33(4), 317-326.

    41.N. Zhou, H.Q. Jiang*, J.X. Zhang (2013). Application of solid backfill mining techniques for coal mine under embankment dam. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology, 122(4), 228-234.



    1. 东北大学2023届本科毕业设计(论文)“优秀指导教师”

    2. 2023年度山东黄金“金石学者”—突出贡献奖

    3. 2020年度山东黄金集团“优秀博士后”

    4. 2020年度东北大学“优秀博士后”


    1. 2021年中国黄金协会科学技术二等奖

    2. 2018年中国黄金协会科学技术二等奖

    4. 2013年中国煤炭工业协会科技进步一等奖





